Our Project
Menstrual Hygiene
According to estimates and surveys gleaned on Menstrual Hygiene Day, of the nearly 36 crore menstruating women in India, only 6 to 7 crore have access to sanitary pads. 71% of them have no knowledge of menstruation before their first blood and 82% use alternatives such as rags, old cloth, hay, sand or ash. About 6.30 crore adolescent girls live in houses without toilet facilities, and 88% of adolescent girls are unaware of the health implications that could occur due to poor menstrual hygiene.
Computer Education
With the knowledge that in today’s world to succeed a knowledge of Computers was absolutely essential irrespective of any job that one gets we collaborated with NIIT Foundation the best in the industry today to run their courses since August 2016. Armed with another specification that the youth often lack soft skills we also introduced Spoken English and Personality again with collaboration of NIIT. These skills have helped in bringing a change in their lives. “All work and no play make jack a dull boy” ...... So AASRA SHIKSHA SAMITI is a fun place too where besides celebrating various festival’s we regularly go out for picnics in Delhi and out station too! A wonderful source of binding and belonging.